Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Portland, OR

Ok, I want to start this by saying, I love Oregon. I whine about going there and stuff, but I really do like it there. The climate is just a tick milder and the people aren't snotty. Portland is like a hybrid of Bellingham and Seattle, and while the one way streets where a pain, I loved it.
So! We left on Monday (early) for the long drive there. It was pretty uneventful. Just some good music, a Doritos taco, and some sunshine. We didn't even really have any traffic. We then arrived at Cindy's duplex where we settled down and got into the groove of being there.

There wasn't really much to it but that was fine for us. Cindy then kindly took us out to the Olive Garden where I had a DELISH pizza! Yum! After that we just chilled and watched Pan's Labyrinth and Mel kinda did her thing and I did my thing (which was watch the first part of the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1.
We then awoke to go to Powell books! YAY! After a few miscalculations, we made it there. HOLY. COW.

It was so exciting! And so packed! This was a lucky shot that no one else was in it. I really liked that store, and while there were a few things over-priced, I did get a few good deals and since it was in Oregon, no sales tax! Here are my prizes:
 I didn't get very many for the amount of money I spent, but the Hindi booklet and CD thing was like 30 bucks, so I did pretty well otherwise. Yeah, I'm going to learn Hindi! And I finally have the entire Pendragon series! Woot!
We then went home and chilled while waiting for Wicked. We watched the Wizard of Oz to prep ourselves. We then got ready a tick early, but I made up for our extra time by having to stop by Safeway because of a little wardrobe malfunction.
And then we were on our way! The TomTom took us straight there! And was time....
 One of the most amazing productions ever. So awesome. So powerful. Soooo different from the book. But wow. I was enchanted by the wonder of it. And I was also enchanted by all the mechanics of the tricks and the angles of the spotlights, but that is kind of a different story. I am really glad that I put the time, effort, and money into going and seeing this. It was worth it.
After the show was over, we went back and ate some pizza. I read some of a creepy book so I had to chill my brain by watching some more Harry Potter.
We then awoke this morning to clean up! We cleaned out the oven and made sure that no trace of us was left! We then chilled with Cindy for a bit to kill some time because we had gotten up a little early. So we took cute pictures of her animals!

The cat's name is Cherrio. He is so cuuute! Very shy, but warmed up to me after we played with the last pointer. Otto is the dog on the left, Thor is the dog on the right. They were sitting still for the treats in my hand haha.
We then left and went to meet my Uncle Ben at a restaurant called Beaches. We of course, got started really early so went McDonalds hunting and used their wifi and bathrooms and such. We then sat in the car for a bit because we were unsure if he would be there or not, but he was in fact there. It was a oh, well that was dumb moment. But lunch went great and the food was spectacular!
We then journey northward! I was attempting to drink all of my perishables early in the trip because I didn't want them to go bad, so I drank all of this orange juice container. I drank the whole thing by myself. Pretty darn good for me! We then hit some traffic in Seattle and Everett, but they weren't too bad. We sang loud Disney songs and ended the trip with some really bumping Cheetah Girls songs.
Over-all, this was an awesome trip. It was "spring break" and road trip all rolled into one! And I still have a few days to read and chill before next quarter and the work week of hell.
I really liked Portland; I want to visit again. I can see myself living in Portland or even a Portland like area for a while. I liked the environment and the feel of the city.
So that's my adventure for this week, thanks for reading!


  1. PORTLAND! when i am going to school in portland next year you should deff come visit me:)
